Mark N Brown Art Featured at Saks Fifth Avenue "Art on the Avenue" Waikiki, Honolulu, Hawaii
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Mark N Brown Painting Features at Saks Fifth Avenue (Waikiki-Honolulu)
February 7, 2019 - April 2nd, 2019
Saks' Art On The Avenue featuring local artist, Mark N. Brown.
Born and raised on O'ahu, Mark has been active in the arts for the last 40 years. He started his own graphic design business in 1984, then used that business knowledge to pursue painting full time in 1998.
He has been teaching weekly plein air painting classes with the University of Hawai'i at Manoa Outreach College since 1999. He also conducts an uninstructed life drawing class atthe Honolulu Museum School of Art.
Mark's palette is always loaded as he now paints for galleries, commissions, staged home painting rentals and murals. His easel has traveled with him to New Mexico, Vermont, Maine, Massachusetts, New York, Nevada, Seattle, California, and as far as Germany, Italy, France and Tahiti.
Saks Fifth Avenue (Honolulu)
2345 Kuhio Ave,\
Honolulu, Hawaii 96815
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