Hawaii Artist Mark N Brown - Hawaiian Fine Art
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16 New Hawaii Art Original Images for Sale by Mark N. Brown
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![]() Ref. No.: 24032 ** Price: $1400 ** Size: 18" x 36" ** Inspiration: "Ali'i Beach Park" painting brings back great memories for me as I would do a lot of the graphics and signs for the Triple Crown of Surfing years ago and Ali'i Beach was the site of the 1st jewel of the competition. As I painted it, I saw more than what was in front of me. More... | ![]() Ref. No.: 24031 ** Price: $1400 ** Size: 18" x 36" ** Inspiration: I painted "Haleiwa Boat Harbor Lineup" from the lawn of the Harbor Master's quarters and when I started at 8:00 am the water has a lot of reflections. Then the harbor starts getting active with the mariners and shark encounters that go by every 15 minutes. I just stay calm and steady, full steam ahead. More... |
![]() Ref. No.: 24038 ** Price: $1600. ** Size: 24" x 36" ** Inspiration: "Kalama Beach" is a spot where I learned to body surf. It was a time when my younger brother Kent (who is now a Lifeguard) and I would our fins, catch the bus and hope for good surf. We didn't need anything big, we were happy with a 2 feet set but it did get larger. Then we graduated to Bellows Beach. More... | ![]() Ref. No.: 24043 ** Price: $800 ** Size: 16" x 20" ** Inspiration: "Kilueau Lighthouse" painting was made possible by Guy Ballou who arranged our trip. I turned out some good paintings because Guy with his organization skills allowed me to just focus on painting and making every one late as I took so long. Awesome place! More... |
![]() Ref. No.: 24037 ** Price: $800 ** Size: 12" x 16" ** Inspiration: "Kona Surf" was inspired by Lahaina Galleries as they entertained the idea of having me work with them at their Big Island Gallery supplying paintings. They loved the painting I sent them as a sample but they decided to seek an artist who was based in the Big Island. They are a quality gallery that I hope to work with one day. More... | ![]() Ref. No.: 24039 ** Price: $800 ** Size: 16" x 20" ** Inspiration: I painted "Looking Towards The Pali" during an overcast day and then left it in my studio. I just recently took it out and repainted it to satisfy myself of it's potential. I came away pleased. More... |
![]() Ref. No.: 24030 ** Price: $1400 ** Size: 18" x 36" ** Inspiration: "North Shore Kiawe" has been a painting series that I have enjoyed. The painting I did of the scene in 2002 became the poster and T-shirt for the Haleiwa Arts Festival. More... | ![]() Ref. No.: 24033 ** Price: $1400 ** Size: 18" x 36" ** Inspiration: "Rainbow Bridge Jumpers" caught my attention and it's a good thing I was far along on my painting before they started jumping, otherwise it would have distracted me. From where I painted, it made me feel like a judge giving them scores for more daring dives. I caught a stand up paddler going by as they were timid to go by when they were jumping. More... |
![]() Ref. No.: 24029 ** Price: $1400 ** Size: 18" x 36" ** Inspiration: "Sharks Cove" was painted in July, during high tourist season. It was low tide in the cove bringing everyone out. I started this painting at 8:00 am and there were 5 snorkelers. By the time I ended my painting session, there were maybe 200 waders! More... | ![]() Ref. No.: 24036 ** Price: $1000 ** Size: 20" x 24" ** Inspiration: 'Showtime At Baby Makapu'u" was painted as a demo for the Plein Air Class at the University of Hawaii Outreach College. It is a non-credit class that I have been teaching since year 2000. I do a demo from 8:00 am to 9:00 am and show my fellow artists how I would tackle the scene. I have learned so much by instructing this class. I use a good saying, "When one teaches, two learn". More... |
![]() Ref. No.: 24028 ** Price: $1400 ** Size: 18" x 36" ** Inspiration: "Surf Session at Ala Moana" was painted on location and gave me a chance to capture a sense of place with Diamond Head and a lifestyle painting with the surfers, joggers, bikers, and swimmers who would walk the scene. I started the painting in the morning and took a lunch break then came back and worked into the afternoon and evening. I took the sunset colors and put them in the sky. During the summer there was more activity with the people in the evening. It was awesome! More... | ![]() Ref. No.: 24040 ** Price: $800 ** Size: 16" x 20" ** Inspiration: "The 2 Birds of Waimea Canyon" was a enjoyable time when fellow artist and retired Colonel Guy Ballou would take Spencer Chang, John Dixon and myself to Kauai and we just painted for 3 to 4 days. Guy, because of his military service, would get us sweet deals at the Barking Sands Installation and we were with 15 minutes of the Canyon. Guy would assign everyone to a detail. I was in charge of finding good painting sites. Spencer handled directions and driving duties and John provided logistics. Guy kept us current and on schedule. When we arrived at the cabins, we drew straws for sleeping arrangements and we were a well oiled machine. Great times, thank you Guy! More... |
![]() Ref. No.: 24035 ** Price: $1000 ** Size: 15" x 30" ** Inspiration: "Three Tables" is another favorite site for me to paint at the North Shore. I can get away from the crowds but the beach offers a lot in the way of eye candy. Great crashing shoreline, light and shadow and gestures in the way of active people. More... | ![]() Ref. No.: 24041 ** Price: $800 ** Size: 16" x 20" ** Inspiration: "Ulu Pono Heaiu" is located next to the Kailua YMCA and I remember passing by numerous time. I finally got a chance to paint there and I pay tribute to a group of volunteers who maintain the place and make it what it is today. Mahalo! More... |
![]() Ref. No.: 24034 ** Price: $1400 ** Size: 18" x 36" ** Inspiration: "Waimea Bay" is one of my favorite painting spots and the lifeguards are the best! There's Mark and Carrie and they walk the sand to keep in shape for winter rescues. The bay that day was calm, and the tree that fronts the tower has Mark's decorative touches with ornaments and a Santa hat. I used this in the painting that decorates the Hawaiian Isle Kona Coffee Christmas bags that come on store shelves in October thru December. More... | ![]() Ref. No.: 24042 ** Price: $800 ** Size: 16" x 20" ** Inspiration: "Winter Surf At Three Tables" was alive with crashing surf, spray and white foam. It wasn't surfable or rideable but it sure was paintable! More... |
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